
Hi! My name is Alexandra Hasselt, but everyone calls me Allie. I live in Bronxville, New York, which is about twenty-five minutes north of New York City. I will be spending the Fall semester in Athens, Greece. I have never been to Greece before; however, I have been to Europe a few times. I have visited Spain, Germany, Austria, England, Scotland, France, Italy and the Czech Republic. I can’t wait to live in Greece and travel around Europe this semester.

My group flies out September 8, so I have not been able to experience Greece or the culture shock yet. Instead I have been spending this last week packing, working at my dad’s real estate company, and then I decided to take a spontaneous trip down to Loyola to visit friends. It has been so fun and exciting seeing so many people that I won’t see for such a long time.

As for a little about myself, I am an Interdisciplinary Communications and Writing Major with a Spanish minor. On campus, I’m a tour guide and involved in clubs such as Hounds for Hope and Club PALS. I also led the Kairos retreat last Fall. I have a fraternal twin sister who goes to University of Michigan, a younger sister attending University of Dayton, an older brother who is working for my dad, and a thirteen-year-old golden doodle that is convinced she’s much younger than she actually is. Also, I was abroad last summer in Granada, Spain taking a Spanish class and living with a host family. This experience was so incredible that it solidified the idea of going abroad for an entire semester.


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